So it was cloudy yesterday, and got progressively more humid over the course of the afternoon. Took that laundry in real quick, and walked back north to the Shitennoji area to find a couple of other, smaller spots I had yet to check out, all in the general area of the central temple. There is a large, maybe 6-lane road that runs north from my neighborhood through this area, and whenever I would walk back and forth from one of the two entrances to Shitennoji that I knew of, I saw several other, smaller spots that looked like shrines way across the street. When you look the area up on a map, I think it's all sort of grouped together like one large site, even though the smaller parts are seriously scattered, often partway down winding, extremely narrow streets full of every possible kind of dentist/udonya/love hotel/stockbroker/residential kind of building. A lot of them can really only be found by a little aimless wandering around, in my experience. But that's how I like to do things, so we're all set.
There was one shrine that immediately caught my eye the first time I went up that way, and though it couldn't have covered more than 2000 square feet, once I finally went in, I could have spent the rest of the afternoon there if it wasn't full of mosquitoes. It's called Horikoshi jinja.
'black dragon shrine' - there was also a 'white dragon shrine' nearby. there's an explanation on the sign at the entrance, but i haven't tried to translate it yet. a lot of signage at temples is just too difficult for me, but this one's a little simpler, so i think i can actually handle it with a dictionary. And some time.
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